Conshohocken Recreation Services and Parks
63rd Annual Albert C. Donofrio Classic

Basketball Gym Closed: 3/24 - 4/1
Now Hiring: Summer Camp Counselors - Apply Today!
Community Center at the Fel Hours of Operation
Hours of operation are as follows:
o Monday – Thursday - 7:00am – 9:00pm
o Friday - 7:00am – 5:00pm
o Saturday - 8:00am – 4pm
o Sunday – 8:00am - 4pm
Renew Active/One Pass: It's Here!
Renew Active™ is here to help you stay fit, stay focused and stay you. Plus, it’s available at no additional cost with UnitedHealthcare® Medicare plans. Learn more about how you can stay active and healthy at
Refund Policy: Refunds must be requested a minimum of five (5) business days prior to the start of the program or event with the exception of our summer day camp (30 days prior to camp start date). Refunds may take up to thirty (30) business days to process. We do not issue cash refunds. Once a program session begins, refunds will not be offered. All discount ticket sales are final and non-refundable. In the event of a program is canceled, a full refund will be issued. All discount ticket sales are final and non-refundable.
Cancellation Policy: Programs are subject to cancellations if they do not meet minimum enrollment. Inclement weather may also be a reasonable cause.
Photo Policy: The Recreation Services Department takes photos of program participants, members and/or visitors. These photos are for Borough use only and may appear on flyers, publications and social media outlets.
Silver Sneakers and Prime Facility