**Dog Park Memberships have been suspended due to storm damage to the park**
As of April 2017, the Borough of Conshohocken is responsible for all operations of the Dog Park. This includes the general maintenance of the park, new and existing membership renewals and gate codes. There is also a Borough of Conshohocken Dog Park Advisory Committee, which works in concert with Borough Administration in assessing and making recommendations for assuring that the dog park meets the capital and operational needs of the community.
Address: 300 Washington Street, Conshohocken PA, 19428
(Located behind the Londonbury Apartments)
Hours of Operation: Dawn to Dusk
Rules and Regulations
- All dogs must be legally licensed and currently vaccinated and shall wear a visible dog license.
- The off-leash dog area is for dogs, their handlers, and those accompanying them. No other use is allowed.
- No dogs under 4 months of age are permitted.
- No female dogs in heat.
- Dogs must be on a leash when entering and exiting the off-leash dog area.
- Dogs must be under control of their handler and in view of their handler at all times.
- No spike, prong, or pinch collars should be worn in off leash area.
- Children under the age of 18 are not permitted without adult supervision.
- Handlers must be 18 years of age or older.
- Maximum of two dogs per handler.
- Handlers must pick up after their dog(s).
- Handlers must fill all holes dug by dog(s) under their control.
- Smoking and alcohol is NOT permitted.
- Food is NOT permitted.
- No glass containers.
- Dogs must be removed from the off-leash dog area at the first sign of aggression.
- NO animals other than dogs shall be permitted in the area.
- Handlers are responsible for any injuries caused by the dog(s) under their control.
- All rules are subject to change without notice.
Membership Fees
Memberships are valid for one calendar year. All memberships will expire on 12/31. Membership rates are not prorated regardless of registration date. Membership includes (1) dog.
Conshohocken Borough Residents $20
Non-Residents $35
How to Register
Registration for memberships will be taken at the Conshohocken Community Center at the Fellowship House located at 515 Harry Street in Conshohocken. Community Center hours of operation are Monday through Thursday, 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Friday, 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Saturday and Sunday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
You will need a completed membership registration form with waiver along with your dog’s license and vaccination records. Payment can be made by check, cash, or credit card. Once all necessary forms and documents are received you will be issued an access code.
You can also register online at https://conshohockenrsp.recdesk.com/Community/Membership. If registering and paying online, you will need to upload the necessary forms and documents before being issued an access code.
- Canine Bordetella: The Bordetella shot for dogs is a vaccine against canine infectious tracheobronchitis (aka kennel cough).
- DHPP: Protects a dog from distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis, parvovirus and parainfluenza. The first vaccine can be administered to puppies as young as 6 weeks old and several boosters will be given for the several months after the initial injection, as well as a yearly booster.
- Rabies: PA Code (16.41. Rabies Vaccination Required) states, "A person living in this Commonwealth owning or keeping a dog or cat over 3 months of age shall have the dog or cat vaccinated against rabies under the act and this chapter."
- Copy of current valid dog license
Refund Policy
Dog Park memberships are non-fundable and non-transferable. The Conshohocken Dog Park Advisory Committee reserves the right to revoke memberships if a dog displays aggressive behavior towards other people or dogs or if owner does not comply with the Dog Park rules and regulations.
Directions to Dog Park
- The Conshohocken Dog Park is located on the East Side behind Londonbury Apartments (near train station)
- Go down Harry Street over train tracks (past Outbound Station) and make a Left onto Washington Street
- Make a right at the intersection of Washington and Poplar St and follow the path to the river
Parking is not available directly in front of the dog park, please see below for parking lot

- The CDP was designed as a walking destination and therefore does not have dedicated parking.
- For those who need parking, some spaces are available for use at the adjacent office complex. Please observe the proper parking areas for Business and Non-Business Hours.
- The CDP is not responsible for those who are ticketed or towed due to failure to adhere to parking rules.